Running your furnace for optimal performance can feel like a separate job in itself. At Wyckoff Heating & Cooling, we’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be! Many homeowners feel like they don’t have a good understanding of how to maintain their furnace, so they default to putting off any sort of checks or maintenance until something goes wrong.

However, that is not an efficient way to ensure your furnace is working properly and can lose you money in the long run. Furnaces are not cheap, so you want to be sure you’re doing all you can to mitigate any important issues. This short, simple guide gives you quick bits of important information on what to avoid to ensure you’re using your furnace properly.

Not Changing Your Filter

One of the MOST common mistakes homeowners can make is not changing their furnace filter. Did you know that most furnace problems can be avoided, by simply doing this? When homeowners think their furnace isn’t working properly, one of the very first things we ask is when’s the last time the filter was changed? An old furnace filter can be a catalyst for all kinds of furnace issues.

Poor Air Quality

By not changing your furnace filter, you risk poor air quality for your household by trapping dirt and debris. When this occurs, asthma and allergies are at risk for flare-ups, especially as the furnace works to continue to push out that air into your home.

Increased Energy Bills, Especially During the Winter

If you notice that your furnace seems to be running more than usual, your clogged filter may be working your furnace over time to try and circulate air properly. In return, your utility costs go up every time your furnace kicks on and runs to try and warm your home. 

Damaged Furnace & Ductwork

Clogged furnace filters are not only full of debris and working overtime to try and push air through, but they’re damaging your furnace at the same time. When you have a dirty filter in your furnace for too long, an overly clogged filter can push that grime into your furnace and start to collect on the parts within it. Over time, these parts can start to malfunction or cease working altogether. 

Skipping Regular Maintenance & Service Checks

The best way to solve a problem? Catch it before it starts. This can be said for almost anything, but especially when it comes to your HVAC. It can be easy to “set it and forget it” with your furnace, however, you do have to be somewhat diligent in ensuring that it’s receiving the care it needs to work properly. When you skip a furnace service check or regular maintenance, you risk tiny problems becoming bigger, more costly ones down the road.

Homeowners know that furnaces are not cheap, so why burden yourself with a replacement when regular maintenance could’ve helped to avoid it? Getting your furnace regularly inspected by an HVAC professional will ensure your investment is secure and there is no doubt about its longevity.

Closed or Blocked Vents

This may sound like an obvious mistake, but it’s worth another look! When it’s time to use your furnace, evaluate all of your home’s areas and decide which sections need more heat and which do not. For example, if you have a guest bedroom that rarely gets used every day, close your vents in that room so that your furnace isn’t working to push heat into a space that no one is even in.

This also goes for common spaces around the home. Be sure to check that every vent you want the heat to come out of is open. Sometimes, a simple “heat issue” can be solved by double checking that you opened the vents in that space, and clearing any debris that may have fallen in or furniture blocking them. 

Not Receiving Professional Furnace Care for Your Home From Wyckoff

The last, most important mistake to avoid, is not investing in professional furnace care. Your home, family, and assets deserve to be protected through the winter months and beyond. That’s why, our team at Wyckoff makes it our mission to not only provide exceptional customer service but to educate our customers so that they can feel confident in the care and maintenance of their systems. 

For more information about furnace care, give us a call!