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4 Common Furnace Mistakes To Avoid
Running your furnace for optimal performance can feel like a separate job in itself. At Wyckoff Heating & Cooling, we’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be! Many homeowners feel like they don’t have a good understanding of how to maintain their furnace,...
How To Correctly Use Your Dehumidifier in Your Basement During the Winter
During the winter, we get lots of moisture from the weather. Snow, rain, and ice leave the ground muddy and wet. However, the sun is always there to soak up that extra moisture, acting as a natural dehumidifier. Our basements, on the other hand, are built underground,...
What Temperature You Should Keep Your Home in Winter
As fall comes to an end and a chillier cold front begins to take its place for the next couple of months, you may be wondering, “What temperature should I keep my thermostat at?” As midwesterners, we experience all four seasons from super high temperatures, to...
Stay Healthy This Cold And Flu Season With HVAC Filtration And Purification
The flu and cold season can last up to half a year and is during the coldest months in Iowa, so maintaining good indoor air quality becomes important for keeping your family healthy. An effective way to keep your family healthy indoors is through HVAC filtration and...
Common Questions Our Customers Have About HVACs, Furnaces, & AC Units
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are essential for maintaining comfort in our homes year-round. Despite their importance, many homeowners have questions about how these systems work, how to maintain them, and when to seek professional help....
Everything You Need To Know About Your Air Conditioning Refrigerant
In the dog days of summer, your air conditioning system is a vital part of your home, and refrigerant is important in keeping air conditioners working in this hot weather. Understanding how refrigerant works, the types available, and how to maintain it can help your...
Understand MERV Ratings and Pick the Right One For Your Heating and Cooling System
The air filter in your home’s heating and cooling system is used to clean the air before it is distributed throughout the house. Neglecting to replace your filter on a regular basis leads to poor air quality and can cause your system to work harder than necessary....
5 Common Causes of Air Conditioning Failure – What You Can Do and When to Call a Technician
There are several things that can go wrong with an air conditioner over the course of its lifetime. The question that often arises is when to call a technician and what homeowners can do to prevent failure. Let’s consider the most common reasons our professionals are...