Spring temperatures allow for open windows and cool breezes, but as humidity increases and the sun makes its stay for Summer it becomes necessary to turn on the AC. With Wyckoff’s Peace of Mind Planned Service, you don’t have to worry about a broken unit when you go to flip the thermostat. If you haven’t had your AC checked in a while, it may be time to call Wyckoff. Here are some hints your AC unit may be giving you to call us.
You Turned On the System, But Are Not Getting Cool Air
If you’ve already taken the plunge into running your AC for the season only to find that it simply won’t force any cool air into your home, you may need an expert inspection. Luckily, the temperatures aren’t yet too hot and there is plenty of time to get Wyckoff out to your property.
You Turned On the System, But Air Flow Is Weak
Maybe your AC system is working to keep heat out of the kitchen, but your kids aren’t sleeping because of insufficient air flow to their bedrooms. This is a sign that your system ducts are clogged, or there is possibly a problem with your air compressor. Call Wyckoff to get a technician to your home and help your kids sleep through the night again!
You Turned On the System, But It Is Noisy
If your kids are sleeping in comfortably conditioned rooms but still aren’t sleeping due to noises outside their window, you have another problem on your hands. A noisy, squealing, or grinding air conditioning unit is a sign that something may have become misaligned or fallen out of place. If this condition goes unchecked, not only will kids and guests complain, but you will regret your AC unit neglect when the system continues to deteriorate. Don’t wait for costly repairs, call now to get your AC checked.
You Turned on the System, But the Unit Is Leaking
If your AC unit is creating a premature summer pool on the side of your house, you should schedule a check-up immediately. If caused by leaking refrigerant, this condition can put the health of those in your home at risk. If caused by a problem in the condensation draining tube, mold can start to grow.