It Is Time To Discover When To Call It Quits And What You Can Expect From a New System

Was your furnace on its last leg this past winter? Now is a great time to start getting advice from a HVAC specialist and comparing prices before fall hits. Wyckoff Heating & Cooling has you covered. From helping you identify if it truly is time to replace your furnace, to what you can expect throughout the purchase and installation process, our professionals are here to make your home comfort our number one priority.


There are many factors that determine the appropriate time to replace your furnace, including price, safety, warranty, age of the system and how long you plan to live in your home. But how do you know if it makes financial sense to invest in a new furnace? Each home and family is unique. Allow the specialists at Wyckoff Heating & Cooling to help you make the right decision for your home.


You may wish to replace your heating system if it is old, inefficient or in need of repair. Today’s systems are up to 60 percent more efficient than systems of the past. If you are experiencing significant utility bills, you may consider a new furnace rather than enduring another expensive season of energy costs. Keep in mind, besides equipment the most significant component of your HVAC system is ductwork. Our professionals will want to ensure the ductwork is properly sized and that the supply duct is attached to the outlet of the furnace in order to perform properly. Other components should also be analyzed, including insulation, refrigerant, piping, electrical, wiring, thermostat, condensate piping, driers, registers, evaporator coil and more.


The most common residential furnace is powered by natural gas and can cost anywhere between $2,500 and $14,000. Remember, many factors affect the cost of a heating system, including the size of your home, the type and condition of the ductwork installed and accessories such as a thermostat or an electronic air cleaner. Always know your budget and the efficiency of the system being proposed to ensure the savings over time will offset the cost of the new furnace.

At Wyckoff Heating & Cooling, We Have a Wide Variety Of Options To Meet Your Needs.


The national average for systems that have not been maintained is 8 years for an air conditioner and 9 years for a furnace. The more extreme the climate, the shorter the life span. For systems that have had proper maintenance, a furnace could last up to 20 years.


Bigger isn’t always better. Though an oversized furnace will warm the house quicker, it will also use more fuel and cause greater temperature swings in the home. A furnace too large for your home will also have short run cycles, which in turn, causes a lot of wear and tear. Ask a Wyckoff professional to provide you with an energy analysis to determine the best fit for your home.

Additional options

Many Wyckoff customers are opting for geothermal systems. From green efficiency and cost savings to product lifetime, geothermal provides homeowners the opportunity to invest in a long-term heating and cooling solution. By utilizing heat from the ground, geothermal takes advantage of the Earth’s moderate temperature. In fact, statistics show geothermal heating and cooling systems can save the average household or business up to 80 percent on electric bills annually. As an added bonus, available tax credits can help to reduce and offset the initial cost of purchasing and installing this renewable energy source.

For more information on whether geothermal is the right fit for your lifestyle, download Wyckoff’s free geothermal eBook at

Contact our specialists at Wyckoff today – make sure your furnace is up for the challenge ahead.